Sunday, October 26, 2008

A most serious job application

Some thoughts on the presidential selection process -

To new graduates, it is the toughest answer they ever will have to give in applying for a job. “What is your experience in what we do here? None? Well what kind of training or other experience have you had to be able to go to work here tomorrow? ‘I can learn’ is not sufficient.”

“Sorry, our employees must be able to contribute to the organization right away. We cannot afford workers who cannot carry their part of the load; it would be unfair to the rest of the organization.”

And today there are applicants for the most important position in the world who immediately must tackle the most egregious problems facing America both at home and in the world.

Exercising our right to choose who that leader will be is more important than any vote we will make in a lifetime of voting.

The already fragile world economy is on the brink of collapse into a depression worse than the 1930s. While the present administration desperately is trying to prevent our present recession from falling into that black hole also, it will require someone with the greatest skills to take over the helm of this great nation in the midst of the storm.

The choices we have been given through our democratic processes may not suit everyone or even anyone. But we have to play the hand we have and choose the best of the lot.

Some considerations in this choice are:

How much experience must he have to be able to grasp the helm, the levers of government, at a most critical time in our history and to steer through this great storm but to also keep the ship from capsizing? Which one – Obama or McCain?

Is the wise experience in the ways of how the federal government operates helpful in critical times? Which one is more likely to benefit from that experience – McCain or Obama?

If experiencing and surviving the deep cauldron of hopeless despair is a measure of the character of a man, one with the resolve, the capability, the understanding of the enormity of the problems facing America right now, which of the two best fits that description? McCain or Obama?

Finally, which one has the experience to be the Commander-in-Chief of all our armed forces and is closest to resembling former president Dwight D. Eisenhower who did not want war but was prepared to fight if necessary? Obama or McCain?

If you were deciding which applicant should get the job, who would you choose, McCain or Obama?

Well, the decision is yours when you cast your vote for the president of the United States of America. Weigh your choice carefully and may God Bless America!

Ernest Norsworthy

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